Saturday, August 11, 2007

Important Concepts for Artists & Managers

Important Concepts for Artists & Managers

A Solution to Three Problems That Affect Artists & Managers

  1. Not having a business card, CD or an easy website when shopping demo
  2. Not having an easy way for top music executives to keep track of your gigs
  3. Not having the right connections for collaborations



The opportunities that the offers are perfect for today's entrepreneur, artist, or manager.  There are a number of ways to be prepared as an artist but obviously no one is as prepared as they can be.  This is where comes to the rescue.  Sometimes an artist suffers when they don't have a business card handy, or a top executive wants to keep an eye on an artist they are interested in, or an artist may need help with finding or creating music to put lyrics to or vice versa.  With the artist has a one stop avenue to find answers to these problems and more. 


Not having a Business Card, CD, or an easy Website when passing out your demo: By taking a deeper look at solutions provided by, you will see how the website comes in at the right moment.  First, every artist needs to be equipped with a business card for contact purposes.  For example, a top executive may know all that there is to know about a particular artist but out of all the information that the executive has on the artist, they may not have contact information to call the artist to give them the opportunity to perform at an event or offer that record deal.  What a disaster! The card is important and, of course, the artist can get a great business card printed up at But what happens when the artist runs out of cards or has forgotten their cards?  Is there a problem?  Not when is around.  All the artist has to do is introduce the site to the executive and quickly give them the link to their page at  It's a very simple task and can take less than a minute.  Now when the executive visits the artist's page they are intrigued to see that every aspect of the artist is right at their fingertips, from the artist's contact information, to their personality and music. 


Not having an easy way for top music executives to keep track of your gigs:  Similar to not having a business card on hand, lacking information about an artist's performances can dull even the most brilliant opportunities.  Sometimes an artist has caught the eye of a manager or promoter but before the executive gives the ok to snap up the artist, they may want to see how the artist compares to their competition.  They may want to know how hard the artist works to maintain high rankings and positions or just to continue to keep an eye on performances that the artist keeps lined up. is now available as a medium where this information can be easily viewed.  The artist has the ability to upload new songs or lyrics, post new performances, and even rate themselves against other artists on the site.  These tools help that executive make the decision of putting their job on the line to bring in a new artist.  The site allows them to see how the individual works and how dedicated they are to their craft.


Not having the right connections for collaborations: At times an artist may not be equipped with the materials to begin a new song or even write one.  With, artists now have the ability to collaborate with other artists to find that track they need for lyrics they wrote five years ago, or that different sound of music to add a little splash to their current musical genre.  In either case, the artist can work with others and create some of the best music that they have ever produced, or in other words, create art that never could have been done alone.  Collaborating also will provide more opportunities for the artist to perform in places that they may not have known about without the exchange of ideas with that musical collaborator. 

Of course, none of these solutions can be reached unless the artist has that profile created.  One of the main things that can hold an artist back from online music sites is not having the knowledge of creating such sites or needing help because they just don't have the time.  Well, that is no longer a problem.  The site walks the artist through what their profile needs to contain, which includes everything that the artist needs to promote him/herself.  All it takes is dedication and belief in a talent.  It may seem like lots of work, but the outcome has proven to override any problem that an artist may encounter.  There are no more worries about whether or not an artist forgets their card or cd, an executive not being able to keep up with an artist, or artists having trouble finding collaborators.  In just the amount of time that it takes to give material to someone, an artist can write down the link to their site and open the gateway to greater possibilities their career. 


", increasing your self promotion" Because You Never Know Who's In The Audience

For Immediate Release Home | Home | NeoBlog Newscast Home | NeoTour Home

Amanda Renee, Director of Public Relations EA Consultants, LLC (EAC) | 011+1+919.673.5464


Try NeoBoogie Radio, listen to great music from new artist on your computer

Because You Never Know Who's In The Audience

Entrepreneurs, Artists, Managers, Planners, Activist, & Groups now have a Common Place




May 3, 2007: expands to include, is the ultimate website for people of all professions to publicize and promote their talents and businesses while networking with others with similar mindsets. is a community catering to entrepreneurs, artists, planners, activists, and other groups. Members have the opportunity to display their talents and events, and to network and possibly find their link to success. The site is also open to those that only want to be members. If someone doesn't have a talent they wish to display, they can still become members and enjoy the opportunity to network with those featured on the site.

Another exciting component of the website is the aspect of creating lists, showing artists how they are rated against other artists. By viewing song plays, streams, and number of downloads, members can see which users are most popular. It provides the artist with real feedback, giving them the opportunity to improve themselves in order to reach their ultimate goal of making their audience and listeners happy. It also allows the artist, as well as business owners, to see what type of music listeners want to hear. They see what is in demand and can determine what type of music they create in the future.

The website is available to users all around the world, which provides a great opportunity for music or a product to be promoted globally. The key to using is developing a profile that will draw attention to a product and give the consumer knowledge of the product. The website consists of several components used to develop a user profile and to get the product to the customer. Below is a list of the components and how they can be used. Account & Multimedia Features Home | Home | NeoBlog Newscast Home | NeoTour Home


User Profiles (Artist & Entrepreneur)

  1. The user profile allows artists to speak to other members about their product, challenges, successes, and why their music or product is so important to them.
  2. provides the real world aspect to the site by providing competition and promotion, but it's up to the artist, business, or group to publicize every aspect of themselves and their products.
  3. NeoBoogieSupports the creating/updating/deleting of Blog Entries:
    • Blog Title
    • Blog Category
    • Blog Text
    • Blog Extended Text (displayed when "read more" is clicked on)
    • Ability to "hide" blog entry
    • Charts , preferred by mostly artists. this component gives the artist insight on what songs are popular by rating them on the rate of play.
    • Fans – Provides all members the chance to show support by becoming a fan for a product.


Audio Support
  1. Audio support allows artists to display their music for others to listen to, view lyrics, download, and rate according to their liking.
  2. NeoBoogie supports the creating/updating/deleting of Songs (audio Files):
    • Support for multiple Audio File types: mp3, ogg, wma, wav, flac and mid
    • The NeoBoogie Audio File Importer allows users to download a media file from another website, and import it directly into their profile.
    • Support for HIFI and LOFI version of audio file
    • Support for Automatic Previewing of both HIFI and LOFI audio file in the following increments: 10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/60 /75/90 second preview lengths.
    • Support for limiting Audio to streaming only, downloading only, or streaming + downloading
    • Support for the following Audio information:
      • Song Name
      • Song Credits
      • Song Album
      • Song Label
      • Song Genre
      • Song Lyrics (with HTML/BBCode Support)
      • Song Information/Background (with HTML/BBCode Support)
      • Explicit Lyrics (flag)
      • Hide Song (flag)
      • No Radio (flag)
      • ISRC Code
      • Users License
      • Songwriter License
    • HIFI/LOFI Song Upload Fields
    • Song Image


Photo Gallery

  1. Photo Gallery support allows artists to post photos and images to market themselves and/or their product.
  2. A member may post a photo so other members can associate their music with them, or they can post an image that explains the mood of a song.
    • Photo Title
    • Photo Credits
    • Existing Photo Category
    • New Photo Category
    • Photo Caption
    • Ability to Hide Photo
    • Photo File
    • Upload Photo For Sale ***
    • Photo Sales Description ***
    • Photo Sales Price ***
    • Hide Photo Vault Entry ***


Radio Stations( Customized Playlists)

  1. Artists can create a radio station for members to listen to while browsing through the rest of their profile.
  2. The artist can create a station where the user only listens to their music without having to click on each song. The radio station allows the ongoing enjoyment of nonstop music.
    • Station Audio File Type (i.e. mp3, wma, etc.)
    • Station Audio Mode (HIFI or LOFI)
    • Station Name
    • Station Description
    • Randomize Playlist of songs
    • Repeat Playlist of songs
    • Station Image


Video Support **

  1. Video support allows artists to post past performances and/or interviews to give viewers a different view of the artist. This can be used as an effective tool to promote products.
  2. Users can add video (30MB Max per video) support to their profiles.
    • Video Name
    • Video Credits
    • Video Album
    • Video Genre
    • Video Caption
    • Users License
    • Explicit Content Checkbox
    • Ability to Hide Video File
    • Video File
    • Video Viewer Access
    • Video Image
    • Upload Video For Sale ***
    • Video Sales Description ***
    • Video Sales Price ***
    • Hide Video Vault Entry ***


Online Store

  1. The online store allows members to create a store where others have the opportunity to purchase their products.
  2. Users can access their own "NeoBoogie Store" for selling physical goods such as T-Shirts, CDs, etc. via Payal:
    • Item Name
    • Item Description
    • Item PayPal Email
    • Item Number
    • Item Cost
    • Item Shipping and Handling Cost
    • Item Currency
    • Item Image
    • Ability to Hide Item


Event /Gig Calendar

  1. Great tool for allowing artists to publicize upcoming performances or events/venues where they will be selling their products.
  2. can enable an Event Calendar for your Users Profiles:
    • Event Title
    • Event Location
    • Event Date
    • Event Description
    • Event Image
    • Ability to Hide Event

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kappas of Durham Foundation "FORE THE YOUTH GOLF TOURNAMENT" Flyer

To provide leadership in community education, mentorship, educational philanthropy and social causes to the benefit of the Durham community at large.
Why Support the Foundation?
The Foundation participates in community activities in the Durham community, but with emphasis on African-American male activities. These activities are demanding in their requirement for human and financial resources. Thus, the Foundation, recognizing the human need established programs to address these needs.
Beautillion Educational Assistance Program
The Annual Beautillion Militaire Leadership Training and Educational Assistance program has awarded almost $500,000 in educational assistance to deserving high school students from the Durham community for the past 22 years. This program received national recognition in "Vibe" Magazine – September 1999 issue.
The Big Brother/Little Brothers Mentoring Program
This initiative focuses on mentoring, tutoring and computer training at R.N. Harris Elementary School. The program is conducted every Thursday during the school year. This program increases the extent that African-American males are exposed to positive role models; enhance the meaningful involvement of the foundation in the education of African-American males to form a network of peer support for school success and positive social development. 

Croasdaile Country Club
3800 Farm Gate Avenue
Durham , NC
Monday, July 9th
11:30 A.M. - Registration
Buy strings, mulligans, & raffle tickets
Driving range open
12:30 P.M. - Shotgun Start
Longest Drive, Closest-to-the-Pin
Trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & Last Place
5:30 P.M. - 19th Hole Awards Barbecue
A hearty NC Barbecue dinner, beverages,
Awards, prizes, raffle, auction, and more!
Corporate Participant - Cost: $500.00
Reserve hole or tee signage at the Tournament
Entry for one foursome in the Tournament
4 Invitations to the 19th hole awards barbecue
Recognition of corporate participation
Door prizes for participants
Private Foursome - Cost: $300.00
($75.00 per team member)
Entry for one foursome in the Tournament
4 Invitations to the 19th hole awards barbecue
Door prizes
There will be five ability-based flights for male foursomes and one flight for female foursomes. Play will follow a four person superball format where each person hits off the tee and the best shot is selected. Then each player hits from that position and the best shot is selected. This procedure is followed until the ball is holed.
Awards and prizes will be presented to the winning teams and to individuals for the best shots on selected holes – longest drive, closest to the pin, etc. Also, a raffle will be held for valuable prizes. 

For Tournament information, please contact
Tournament Committee Chairman, Reese Carson III


Monday, May 7, 2007 "Free Advertising" Press Release

For Immediate Release Home | Home | NeoBlog Newscast Home | NeoTour Home

Amanda Renee, Director of Public Relations EA Consultants, LLC (EAC) | 011+1+919.673.5464


Try NeoBoogie Radio, listen to great music from new artist on your computer

Because You Never Know Who's In The Audience

Entrepreneurs, Artists, Managers, Planners, Activist, & Groups now have a Common Place




May 3, 2007: expands to include, is the ultimate website for people of all professions to publicize and promote their talents and businesses while networking with others with similar mindsets. is a community catering to entrepreneurs, artists, planners, activists, and other groups. Members have the opportunity to display their talents and events, and to network and possibly find their link to success. The site is also open to those that only want to be members. If someone doesn't have a talent they wish to display, they can still become members and enjoy the opportunity to network with those featured on the site.

Another exciting component of the website is the aspect of creating lists, showing artists how they are rated against other artists. By viewing song plays, streams, and number of downloads, members can see which users are most popular. It provides the artist with real feedback, giving them the opportunity to improve themselves in order to reach their ultimate goal of making their audience and listeners happy. It also allows the artist, as well as business owners, to see what type of music listeners want to hear. They see what is in demand and can determine what type of music they create in the future.

The website is available to users all around the world, which provides a great opportunity for music or a product to be promoted globally. The key to using is developing a profile that will draw attention to a product and give the consumer knowledge of the product. The website consists of several components used to develop a user profile and to get the product to the customer. Below is a list of the components and how they can be used.


Free Advertising Example Ad

Advertising Account Tour
View Example Artist Advertising Account Here

View Example Entrepreneur Advertising Account Here

Listen to Artist Radio Station Here:

 View Artist Best Songs Download Chart Here:

Purchase Example Advertising Account Products Here:

Click Here to Read: Account & Multimedia Features

Click Here to Read: Important Concepts for Artists & Managers


=========================================================== Tour Here

Wednesday, April 11, 2007



“’s Release, where savvy socialites come together and socialize with friends”

Contact: E | A Consultants, LLC

Amanda Renee, Director Public Relations


Raleigh, NC: UCE Life will kick-off its highly anticipated RELEASE™ Lounge Series on Thursday, April 19th. The after-work lounge series will be held at Ess Lounge in Raleigh’s Warehouse District.

RELEASE™ is a cosmopolitan, after-work lounge series that caters to the personal tastes of opinion leaders uniquely set apart from the crowd. These young professionals live by the motto, “I make trends. I don’t follow them.”

Each RELEASE will be set against an upscale backdrop in premier venues that set the standard for high-profile style and entertainment. The essence of weekend nightlife will be recreated in an after-work setting where everyone can “release” from the grind of the work week and enjoy a laid back social vibe.

Professional photographers will be on site capturing the unique style of members and their guests. RELEASE events will be featured in the “Lifestyle Events” section of UCE Life Magazine (, a global online fashion magazine. Jetsetters from Europe, the US and beyond will get a glimpse of the “who’s who” at each RELEASE event.

UCE Life is a member-driven social network composed of professionals in the fields of media, journalism, marketing, PR, fashion, retail, finance, banking, medicine, law, technology, property and other creative fields. In addition to the weekly RELEASE Lounge Series, UCE Life hosts annual lifestyle events such as The Bond Evening, Aquatica and Masquerade to name a few.

UCE Life is a subsidiary of The UCE Group, LLC, a lifestyle and event marketing firm that focuses on online advertising, promotions, and special events. UCE Life strives to enlighten its members on the various lifestyle aspects of the world by delivering unique concepts and events. For information on upcoming events or becoming a member, visit

RELEASE with visit,

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

EA Consultants, LLC Announces: The EAC 50/50 Deal, Neo Blog Home, and RDU Events

For Immediate Release

Amanda Renee Director of Public Relations EA Consultants, LLC (EAC)
Mobile: 011+1+919.673.5464 | Email:

EA Consultants, LLC Announces
The EAC 50/50 Deal, Neo Blog News, and RDU Events

Durham, NC, April 5, 2007: The creators of Neo-Semantics now provide you with yet another set of free services. EA Consultants presents the EAC 50/50 Deal, the Neo Blog News, and the RDU Events Calendar, three great tools designed for the everyday Neo-Semantic visitor.

RDU Events: - Your social and community events calendar

The RDU events calendar is designed to be your single access point to the latest in social and community events in the triad area. With technology recommended by you can easily gain access to event reminders in the form of SMS (text messaging) and email. Need help on finding out what to do or finding the most exciting events in the area? Just visit and find all types of Triad area events. You can also submit events that are important to you. If there is an event you want everyone to know about then simply click on "Submit Event" and your event will be submitted to the administrators for review. Once approved your social, church or community event will be available for nationwide event seekers.

NeoBlog News: - Up to the minute NeoSemantic Blog RSS News

Another great addition to Neo-Semantics is the NeoBlogNews. The NeoBlogNews gives you real time, up to the minute updates for all blogs in the Neo-Semantic family - 28 blogs in total. NeoBlogNews provides an efficient and quick glimpse of the subjects Neo-Semantics bloggers are writing about. Be like the Neo-Semantic managers and get a birds eye view of all the Neo-Blogs. The next time you are in the mood to read some intellectually stimulating ideas and thoughts, simply visit *Every blog is there for your enjoyment and other great ideas are just one click away.

*Note top blogs are highlighted on the main page; a username & password request is needed to gain access to a list of all blogs

The EAC 50/50 Deal: - A consulting starter kit for your group or business

E/A Consultants, LLC, business advising firm has introduced a new consulting starter kit, The EAC 50/50 Deal for small businesses or groups. This deal is great for entrepreneurs or organizations that are looking to take their group to the next business or technology level. With help from EAC, your team can work on becoming more business savvy, strategic, or creative in their business operations.

For the individual looking to venture out and start a business, EAC has plans and advice for you also. For you, The EAC 50/50 Deal is a strategic beginning in the adventure of many possibilities as you set out to explore the world of running your own business. As a follow up to your 50/50 meeting, you will receive a single page analysis of your idea or strategic plan. The EAC 50/50 Deal is perfect for you no matter what type of business or group you have.

EAC Business and Technology Consultants (Biz-Tech) have certifications and degrees from some of the top universities in the country. When you accept service from EAC, you are tapping directly into more than ten years of professional corporate, business, and engineering experience that crosses many functions and disciplines in an organization. With experience in corporate, community, and academic domains, these highly qualified consultants are eager to work with you to develop your business/community idea or dream. No matter what the creative idea is, EA Consultants has an advisor for you.

The EAC 50/50 Deal consists of a free custom made professional logo and a fifty minute consultation with an EAC Biz-Tech Consultant for only fifty dollars. You pay fifty dollars for a full fifty minute session on how to start a business/group, improve a business/group, or simply to get feedback on a business/group idea. Custom logo emailed after the meeting.

The EAC 50/50 Deal also includes a pre-consultation session, by telephone, where the agenda and expectations for both parties are clearly described. In addition, as an EAC 50/50 client, you will receive a summary of your consultation in a follow-up mailing that will include key recommendations or next steps.

If your business isn't where you want it to be or you simply want to grow it to the next level, then there isn't a better time to get the EAC 50/50 Deal. EAC wants to give you the tools to be successful. Try It:

Just as John Maynard Keynes said, "Ideas shape the course of history."
Let EA Consultants, LLC help you shape your course
New Services Addresses | |

Monday, April 2, 2007 – The 411 of Travel


Amanda Renee, E | A Consultants, LLC Director of Public Relations
mobile: 919.673.5464

Durham, NC January 2, 2007 – E/A Consultants, LLC launched its family of interactive triangle community based websites, The Neo-Semantics (beta test sites, hosted by, a community portal accompanied by a holistic team of component websites: (mind/political), (body/social), and (soul/spiritual). gets political with a review of hot topics, profiles top event organizers and things to do, while provides a handy list of places to worship.

One of the great components of this website is the blogs written by authors located throughout the United States . The blogs give users a way to connect with others concerning their specific interests. You can hear about political issue someone is interested in or facing on You can hear about political issues someone is interested in or facing on You can hear about experiences from social events on, and you can hear about struggles and empowerment in everyday spiritual lives on

The Neo-Semantics also takes time to highlight a variety of groups and people in the weekly Neo-Semantics Newsletter. People highlighted as the REAL Neo-Semantic of the week usually display great qualities such as volunteering within their community or embarking on an opportunity that sets them apart from the rest of the crowd. The highlighted groups vary from entertainment groups, both secular and Christian, to community groups that seek the publicity they need to make a difference in the community.

Neo-Semantics has also expanded to become . It's a one stop, one click avenue to your city and many other cities across the United States . MyTravelcity411 is a new 411 for people in the process of relocating, students, professionals, and enthusiasts. The website has taken the components from and tailored them to cities across the United States . No matter where you are, is always there. Just go to , click the city you are interested in and you are on your way to the many possibilities of,, and This makes finding out what to do and where to go a one stop process while sitting in your home or hotel room. No matter where the traveler may wonder, is right there to guide the user to the many attractions that city has to offer.

Current cities include ( Nashville ), ( Chicago ), ( Charlotte ), and or course (Raleigh-Durham). Cities are added weekly. Upcoming cities are Atlanta , Dallas Ft. Worth, San Francisco and more.

Just remember, with, the user is one click away from revitalizing their mind, body, and soul. No matter where they are.


Revitalizing Your Mind, Body and Soul

The 411 of Travel!